Jaclyn Gostick Small Business Account Executive

About Jaclyn Gostick Small Business Account Executive
As an Account Executive with the Nicol Insurance Commercial Lines team, Jaclyn Gostick enjoys working closely with many Ontario businesses. Working in the Nicol Insurance Port Elgin insurance office, she focuses on providing commercial coverage to small businesses as well as group benefits. As an Advisor for the Chambers Plan, Jaclyn offers Chamber members and their employees comprehensive group benefits, including health and dental insurance. She is the exclusive advisor for more than 15 Chambers, including the Owen Sound Chamber, Saugeen Shores Chamber and the Grey Highlands Chamber of Commerce.
Jaclyn started out as a Claims Adjuster for State Farm Insurance after graduating from University. She has an eye for detail and has gained extensive knowledge in the insurance industry through her experience as a Property, Bodily Injury and Accident Benefit Adjuster in the Special Investigative Unit. Through her position as an Adjuster, Jaclyn gained insight into the important role a Broker plays, especially when it comes to communicating between the Insurer and the Insured.
Recently Jaclyn has taken up golf and plays Wednesday evenings at the Saugeen Shores Golf Course “Ladies Night”. She loves to travel and does so every chance she gets. With her husband and two kids, Jaclyn can often be seen out at local events and taking in everything the community has to offer.