Michelle van Essen Executive Assistant

About Michelle van Essen Executive Assistant
With over two decades in business development, Michelle van Essen enjoys her diverse role as Executive Assistant to Nicol Insurance’s leadership team. Working out of the Owen Sound office, Michelle engages with all of the companies locations. She enjoys all aspects of technology, and her knowledge in the financial, automotive and IT industries provides an excellent resource as she stream lines communications and makes sure company systems work seamlessly.
Michelle enjoys her busy work day, as the team she works with has a set of “core values” that are aligned, this makes for “a pleasurable daily experience”.
Michelle lives and works in her home town; she enjoys her morning walks to work and can be regularly seen taking her dog “Ruby” out for a daily run. A proud mother and grandmother, Michelle is an outdoor enthusiast whose knowledge of trails in the area is remarkable. She recently took up cross country skiing, and enjoys gardening, hiking, fishing and camping.
Michelle enjoys getting involved with local not-for-profits and other charitable organizations around town and in the area. She is a past director of the Mount Forest Chamber of Commerce, and has volunteered with their local fireworks festival. Locally, she has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, the Children’s Aid Sunshine Fund and can also be found helping with area music festivals and various charity golf tournaments.
Michelle embraces the “family and community first” approach Nicol takes. Not only are they “fully invested in the community”, she says, “they give back as decisions are always based on doing what’s right, first and foremost.”