Amy Splawnyk Personal Account Executive

About Amy Splawnyk Personal Account Executive
Amy Splawnyk has fully embraced the insurance world. As personal account executive, Amy brings her strength in organization and determination to the personal line market. She enjoys helping others and takes great pride in knowing that she is “helping people” protect their greatest assets.
Amy earned a business administration degree from Trent University, where she specialized in human resources. She’s a natural motivator, a level one figure skating coach, with 15 years of managerial experience; it’s no wonder that Amy enjoys being around people. She is a member of the Owen Sound Business Networking and referral organization (BNI), and looks forward to getting back to the social side of networking.
For the past 20 years, Amy has lived in the lake-side community of Sauble Beach. Her greatest pleasure is family and cherishes spending time with them. Whether camping, day trips or going away on family vacations, she’s “in to it all”.
She likes that Nicol Insurance prides itself on service, commitment and protection to each client. She looks forward to “getting to know” different individuals. She considers it a “good day” when she’s able to help someone and at the end of it, “feel good about it”. She loves her family and the commitment that comes along with that unconditional love. It’s what she likes about her team; they understand family, the importance of family and as an added bonus, operate like a family, it really is a win-win.
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Account Manager working with Amy Splawnyk
Our account executives work closely with our Account Managers, who are responsible for personal changes to your policy along with billing inquiries. If you’re adding a new driver to your vehicle, looking to adjust your deductible, or have any questions about your coverage, contact your Account Manager below.